Best Children's Vacation Products 1996: Award Winners

Marty and the Trouble with Cheese


Marty and The Trouble With Cheese
CD-ROM/ Software
(ages 2-5 yrs.) $29.95
800-33-MAXIS (62947)
A first voice activated, software program for preschoolers to have fun and learn how to interact with the computer. The child can use a microphone for full interaction. Without one they can still interact, listen and watch the story. Marty, the mouse, has a number of friends in the story. Your child helps him find his way home in time for his birthday party, and along the way have some funny adventures. The graphics are sharp, and well-designed for the curious preschooler.



CD-ROM/ Software
(ages 8-12 yrs.) $39.95
800-33-MAXIS (62947)
This is a perfect software program for teaching and having fun. The child will learn the basics of economics, ecology, pollution, recycling, city planning, architecture and much more. This program provides ample opportunities for exploration, creation, thinking and problem solving--all skills children need to excel. The child can select the types of houses, number of people they want to live in their animated town plus select the businesses they want to include. Best of all they plan the town's growth by balancing the basic needs for survival.

Widget Workshop


Widget Workshop
CD-ROM/ Software
(ages 8-12 yrs.) $29.95
800-33-MAXIS (62947)
For the young scientist this excellent program will provide fun while learning the basics of science, physics, math, logic, sound, and more. The program provides a series of great experiments with parts and pieces that are connected by the child in unlimited ways. They learn to solve problems and invent new things by using problem solving, thinking, reasoning and critical thinking. There is plenty of advice and help along the way when using this challenging and intriguing software.

(c) 1996, 1997 Stevanne Auerbach, PhD San Francisco, CA.
This material may not under any circumstances be resold or redistributed for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from the author.

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