Best Children's Vacation Products 1996: Award Winners


Pamela Drake

Creative Product
(ages 6-11 yrs.) $18.99
800-WOOD-SNAKES (966-3762)
This is a perfect compliment to the Paint-A -Habitat. The child can paint and decorate the fish. This is one of several in the series including lizard, dino, snake and tipi. A unique part of the packaging is its design suitable for recycling plus the ease of seeing the contents. This kit offers a special contest for the young artist to submit photos of completed projects for special prizes. The articulated snake is made of a special wood that grows quickly, provides durability and gives a life-like movement. The fish wiggles. The child's art work can be realistic or fanciful as desired.

Paint a Habitat-Ocean

Pamela Drake

Paint a Habitat-Ocean
Creative Product
(ages 6-11 yrs.) $18.99
800-WOOD-SNAKES (966-3762)
A new, creative art project that encourages the child to create the habitat. In the series is the rain forest, ocean, desert, dino-scape and a tipi village. The kit works together with other products to give the child a total activity to paint, decorate and fit into the specific environment. The designs are unique and realistic. They are fun for the child to be creative, then place on a wall or on a table in their room. This is a project the child will learn from and find many hours of satisfying, artistic fun. They can also create a project to give as a gift.

(c) 1996, 1997 Stevanne Auerbach, PhD San Francisco, CA.
This material may not under any circumstances be resold or redistributed for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from the author.

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