Best Children's Vacation Products 1996: Award Winners

Model # 5 Wagon

Radio Flyer

Model # 5 Wagon
(ages 1-7 yrs.) $12.99
Versatile, classic red wagon scaled to fit your child's favorite doll or teddy bear. This little wagon has many potential uses. First, it is fun for a small child to push or pull. Designed with the same features as the larger wagon, this 12" x 7" version has stainless steel body, sturdy handle and durable molded tires. Put teddy inside and the child will happily take teddy on an adventure in the backyard. A perfect birthday centerpiece (or as a gift for an adult's favorite toy collection).

Trailblazer Wagon

Radio Flyer

Trailblazer Wagon
(ages 18 mos.-7 yrs.) $79.99
A brand new version of the classic red wagon is available and will please everyone. This is a plastic wagon with "living hinge" sides that are very easy-to-remove. The handle snaps under the body for storage. It has excellent center of gravity for balance and safety. This wagon can be stored flat in the trunk of the car for easy vacation travel and even more fun when you reach your destination.

(c) 1996, 1997 Stevanne Auerbach, PhD San Francisco, CA.
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