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Curiosity Kits
Ultimate Handcrafts

Ultimate Handcrafts

In this kit a child can learn to stitch a bookmark, magnet, pin cushion and a needlecraft box. The basic skills needed years ago of applique, cross-stitch, embroidery and needlepoint were skills all children learned. In this kit, four basic techniques can be practiced. The contents offer the child a treasure that they can enjoy keeping or giving as gifts. Projects include step-by-step instructions parent and child can do together. Box includes an embroidery hoop, tapestry needles, embroidery thread, fabric, yarn and other miscellaneous items. Curiosity Kits offer children many fine activities in the arts, sciences and world cultures.

(c) 1996, 1997 Stevanne Auerbach, PhD San Francisco, CA.
This material may not under any circumstances be resold or redistributed for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from the author.

Web Work:
C. Beaumont and WebWeavers