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Learning Curve Toys
Grip and Grab Rattle
3-24 mos

Grip and Grab Rattle

This is a new high-tech, rattle the baby can see through and watch beads appear and disappear. All bright colors with easy to grip connections. This rattle is part of a new series of Lamaze Infant Development products distributed by this fine company. As baby shakes the rattle they will become curious to know where the beads go. They appear and disappear again with another shake. They make sounds. It can stand by itself. The child can also chew on the rattle. Part of sale proceeds go to the Education Fund of Lamaze, for childbirth education. Also in the Learning Curve line are Thomas the Tank Engine, Robotics, and many other fine products.

(c) 1996, 1997 Stevanne Auerbach, PhD San Francisco, CA.
This material may not under any circumstances be resold or redistributed for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from the author.

Web Work:
C. Beaumont and WebWeavers