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SEGA of America
Scholastic's The Magic School Bus

Scholastic's The Magic School Bus

Sega's product Pico has been a big hit since it was first introduced several years ago. Fine products are added each year and this year is no exception. The Scholastic's School Bus provides the child with experiences about the solar system as they learn about planets; in dinosaur land, they learn about fossils. Then they move to the ocean. Later in the program they learn about a human body. The child can use objects from the story plus create original art to make their own adventures. This is a very exciting way for the young child to learn science. It plays like a video game, is instructive and useful in helping the child learn basics and expand learning.

(c) 1996, 1997 Stevanne Auerbach, PhD San Francisco, CA.
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C. Beaumont and WebWeavers