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Uncle Goose Toys
ABC Blocks

ABC Blocks

There are several forms of blocks in this series of well-made wooden blocks. The standard set offers the child a chance to build and learn the alphabet and numbers at the same time. There is a wooden crate to hold the blocks for storage, or select a draw string bag or a hardwood wagon that can hold the blocks and be pulled. In addition to these educational, safe, fun, classic products, the new Make-A-Face Puzzle allows many different variations. Your child can explore their creativity and a range of emotions. Braille and groovy blocks with embossed numbers and letters in geometric shapes are also available from this fine company.

(c) 1996, 1997 Stevanne Auerbach, PhD San Francisco, CA.
This material may not under any circumstances be resold or redistributed for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from the author.

Web Work:
C. Beaumont and WebWeavers